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With 15 years experience in different industries and countries, The Office Elf will quickly adapt to your needs to help you focus on developing your business rather than using your precious time on administration and accounts tasks.
Enjoy the flexibility of using The Office Elf only when you need it!
Supporting small businesses with their administrative and bookkeeping tasks (and everything is between) is what brings me joy.
I love to work with entrepreneur or companies who put the environment, the people and sustainable development at the core of their values.
You can see me as your Executive Assistant who supports you on an ad-hoc basis for all your administrative and bookkeeping needs, remotely, from my home in North Yorkshire.
Think of any task that takes you a lot of time, or energy, but does not make your life any easier or grow your business, that’s what I do!
You can outsource one-off tasks (project management, creation of standard operating procedure, filing structure…) or on-going tasks (email and diary management, customer service, invoicing, credit control…), and anything in between.
The main raisons my customers come to me are:
*To relieve pressure of an overcrowded to do list
*To dedicate time and energy developing their business rather than those time-consuming admin tasks
*The flexibility of only using a VA when they need to, saving them time and money
What else?
Oh! I’m also a certified yoga teacher, and I'm apparently mastering the weirdest French/North Yorkshire accent!
Companies I've worked with...
JustOne, UK
Future We Want, UK
Grown in Britain, UK
CSX Carbon, UK
Munchkin, UK
Thirsk Decorating Centre, UK
Clad Safety, UK
Lewis and Cooper, UK
Simon Bailes Peugeot, UK
Lapeyre - Saint Gobain Group, France
SMA - employer's union in the music industry, France
Premier Dragon - music festival, France
Theatre de l'Usine - theatre, France
Mount Gnomon Farm, Tasmania
La Nouvelle Scene - theatre, Canada
Accenture, Canada
Appraisal Institute of Canada, Canada
Focusing on a sustainable economy
As an individual you can be overwhelmed by global warming and feeling helpless, not finding a way to make a difference. Because sustainability is the way forward to preserve our resources, The Office Elf specializes in assisting companies that put the environment, the people and sustainable development at the core of their values.
Wellbeing at work
My wellbeing journey started with the practice of yoga for personal benefit. I have become a certified Yoga Teacher in order to get a better understanding of this practice and its benefits.
Working in several countries made me aware of the different ways to look after your staff. It opened my eyes, especially while working in Canada, on how important it is for your business to look after your employees.
Allowing your staff to work at the best of their abilities will also help your business to develop its full potential. Reducing the turnover, increasing productivity, promoting your company in and out of the office, here is how well being at work can help your business to grow.
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